Ownership of Southern New Hampshire University: An In-Depth Exploration

Discover the ownership and governance of Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Learn about its non-profit status, Board of Trustees, and commitment to education and community engagement in our comprehensive overview.


Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) has gained recognition and prominence in the world of higher education, known for its innovative approach to online and campus-based learning. But have you ever wondered who owns Southern New Hampshire University? In this comprehensive 1000-word article, we will delve into the ownership and governance structure of SNHU to provide you with a thorough understanding of the institution’s ownership, leadership, and mission.



A Private, Non-Profit Institution

Southern New Hampshire University is a private, non-profit institution. This means that SNHU is not owned by a for-profit corporation or individual seeking financial profit from the institution. Instead, it operates as a non-profit entity with a primary focus on providing quality education and serving the best interests of its students and the community.


Board of Trustees

Like many non-profit universities, SNHU is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees plays a crucial role in overseeing the university’s operations, financial management, and strategic direction. The board is typically composed of individuals from various fields, including education, business, and community leadership.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  • Setting Policies: The board establishes policies that guide the institution’s operations, including academic policies, financial practices, and ethical standards.
  • Financial Oversight: Trustees oversee the university’s financial health, ensuring responsible budget management and resource allocation.
  • Selecting Leadership: The board appoints and works closely with the university’s president or chancellor, who serves as the chief executive officer.
  • Strategic Planning: Trustees engage in strategic planning to shape the university’s future direction, growth, and academic programs.

Mission and Values

SNHU‘s mission and values reflect its commitment to providing accessible and quality education. The institution’s mission statement emphasizes a dedication to student success and the belief that education can transform lives. SNHU’s values center on innovation, inclusivity, integrity, and excellence in education.


Impactful Leadership

SNHU has been led by dynamic and forward-thinking leadership that has contributed to its growth and innovation in the education sector. The institution’s leaders, including its president or chancellor and executive team, are responsible for executing the university’s mission, strategic goals, and day-to-day operations.


Growth and Innovation

Under its non-profit ownership, SNHU has experienced significant growth and innovation, particularly in its online education offerings. The university’s online programs have expanded access to education for students across the United States and around the world. SNHU’s commitment to innovation is reflected in its flexible learning options, student support services, and the use of technology to enhance the learning experience.


Community Engagement

SNHU actively engages with the communities it serves. Through various initiatives, the university collaborates with local organizations, non-profits, and businesses to address community needs and contribute to the region’s economic and social development.



In conclusion, Southern New Hampshire University is a private, non-profit institution with a mission to provide accessible and quality education. It is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds, responsible for overseeing the university’s operations and strategic direction. SNHU’s non-profit status reflects its commitment to education, student success, and community engagement.


As with any educational institution, SNHU’s leadership, mission, and values play a significant role in shaping the student experience and the institution’s impact on education. Understanding the ownership and governance structure of SNHU provides insights into its commitment to serving the best interests of students and the community.



1. Is Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) a for-profit institution?

No, SNHU is a private, non-profit institution. It operates as a non-profit entity with a primary focus on providing quality education rather than seeking financial profit.


2. Who governs Southern New Hampshire University?

SNHU is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing the university’s operations, financial management, and strategic direction.


3. What is the role of the Board of Trustees at SNHU?

The Board of Trustees at SNHU sets policies, provides financial oversight, selects university leadership, and engages in strategic planning to shape the institution’s future direction.


4. Who appoints the university’s president or chancellor?

The Board of Trustees appoints the university’s president or chancellor, who serves as the chief executive officer responsible for executing the institution’s mission and strategic goals.


5. What is SNHU’s mission and values?

SNHU’s mission emphasizes a commitment to student success and the transformative power of education. The university’s values include innovation, inclusivity, integrity, and a dedication to excellence in education.


6. How has SNHU grown and innovated under its non-profit ownership?

SNHU has experienced significant growth and innovation, particularly in its online education offerings. It has expanded access to education and developed flexible learning options, student support services, and technology-enhanced learning experiences.


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