How Long Will Universal Analytics Data Be Available: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover how long Universal Analytics data will be available and the implications for your website’s historical data analysis. Learn about data retention policies and best practices in our comprehensive guide.


Google Analytics is a powerful tool that helps website owners and marketers gain insights into their website’s performance, visitor behavior, and more. Universal Analytics, a version of Google Analytics, has been widely used for tracking and analyzing website data. If you’re wondering how long Universal Analytics data will be available and what to expect with data retention, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive 1000-word article, we’ll explore the data retention policies of Universal Analytics and how they have evolved with the introduction of Google Analytics 4 (GA4).



Universal Analytics Data Retention Policies

Universal Analytics introduced data retention policies to manage how long userlevel and event-level data would be stored in Google Analytics’ servers. These policies aimed to strike a balance between data privacy and analytical needs. As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, here’s an overview of Universal Analytics’ data retention policies:


1. User-level Data:

  • 14 Months: By default, Universal Analytics retained user-level data for 26 months. However, users had the option to change this retention period to 14 months or a custom setting.

2. Event-level Data:

  • 2 Years: Event-level data (such as pageviews, events, and ecommerce transactions) was retained for 2 years by default. Users could also choose to change this retention period to 14 months or a custom setting.

3. Aggregated Data:

  • Aggregated data that did not contain personally identifiable information (PII) could be retained indefinitely for analytical purposes.

It’s important to note that these retention settings applied to data collected and processed by Universal Analytics properties. Users had the flexibility to adjust these settings based on their data retention needs and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.


Transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the next-generation analytics platform from Google. GA4 introduced changes not only in tracking and reporting but also in data retention policies. As GA4 is designed to provide more flexibility and user-centric data collection, it’s essential to understand how data retention policies have evolved:


1. Event Data Retention:

  • 2 Years: Similar to Universal Analytics, GA4 retains event data for 2 years by default. This includes data related to user interactions, events, and conversions.

2. User Data Retention:

  • 26 Months: Unlike Universal Analytics, where users could adjust data retention settings, GA4 has a fixed retention period of 26 months for user data.

3. Aggregate Data:

  • Indefinite: Like Universal Analytics, GA4 allows the retention of aggregated data that does not contain PII indefinitely.

4. Data Deletion Requests:

  • GA4 introduces new features related to data deletion requests. Users can request the deletion of their data, and GA4 provides tools to manage and respond to such requests effectively.

Implications for Data Availability

The retention settings in Universal Analytics and GA4 have implications for the availability of historical data:

  • User-level data: In GA4, user-level data is retained for a fixed period of 26 months, which means that detailed information about individual users’ interactions will be available for that duration.
  • Event-level data: Event-level data is retained for 2 years by default in both Universal Analytics and GA4. This includes information about pageviews, events, and conversions.
  • Aggregate data: Aggregated data that does not contain PII can be retained indefinitely. This data is valuable for long-term trend analysis and reporting.

Considerations for Data Retention

When planning your analytics strategy and making decisions about data retention, consider the following:

  • Data Privacy Regulations: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR, which may require data minimization and the ability to respond to user data deletion requests.
  • Data Storage Costs: Longer data retention may result in higher storage costs, especially for large websites with substantial traffic.
  • Analytical Needs: Determine how historical data impacts your analytical needs and reporting requirements. If you rely on long-term trend analysis, consider data retention accordingly.


The duration of data availability in Universal Analytics and GA4 is subject to data retention policies set by Google. As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, Universal Analytics allowed more flexibility in adjusting data retention settings, while GA4 introduced fixed retention periods. It’s essential to understand these policies and their implications for your analytics and compliance needs.


Since policies and features in analytics platforms can evolve, it’s advisable to regularly check Google’s official documentation and announcements for the most up-to-date information on data retention policies in Google Analytics, including any changes or updates that may have occurred after September 2021.



1. What is data retention in Google Analytics?

Data retention refers to the period for which user-level and event-level data collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google’s servers. It impacts the availability of historical data for analysis and reporting.


2. How long was data retained in Universal Analytics by default?

In Universal Analytics, user-level data was retained for 26 months by default, while event-level data (e.g., pageviews and events) was retained for 2 years by default.


3. Could users adjust data retention settings in Universal Analytics?

Yes, users had the flexibility to adjust data retention settings in Universal Analytics. They could choose to retain data for 14 months (the minimum) or set a custom retention period.


4. What is the default data retention period in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

In GA4, event-level data is retained for 2 years by default, and user-level data is retained for 26 months by default. These settings are fixed and cannot be adjusted by users.


5. Can I request the deletion of my data in GA4?

Yes, GA4 provides tools to manage data deletion requests. Users can request the deletion of their data, and website owners or administrators can respond to these requests.


6. How does data retention impact data privacy regulations like GDPR?

Data retention policies should align with data privacy regulations like GDPR, which may require data minimization and the ability to respond to user data deletion requests. Complying with these regulations is crucial.


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